This particular article pertains to one of many diabetes choices for self-care. Although the choices to stay alive with this disease may seem limited, they do exist. For example, food choices are a great factor and choice with a yes … Continue reading
Regarding human beings, they (we, as I am human) all have a brain and a nervous system. So? Well, recently invited to a seminar on the topic of “Neuropathy,” other keywords were adamantly recognized: Thyroid, Hashimoto, Diabetes, Chronic Pain, Lethargy … Continue reading
5 Nightmares You Don’t Know Until You’re Diabetic 2015-04-06 – Originally published at by Ryan Menezes, Zachary Ullman. Hey, remember when everybody was freaking out about Ebola, because of an outbreak that killed more than 10,000 people? Well, diabetes … Continue reading
…it has to. As the following links attest, parents, caregivers, concerned non-diabetics are necessary – but not always available – to care for the diabetic during any night. And that is any diabetic, no matter the age. “Living in the T1D … Continue reading
Accomplishing what may seem like simple tasks to some people can become chaotic encumbrances when a person is faced with many tasks in one day. Let me explain. As a person who receives self-accolades on what I accomplish each day, at … Continue reading
In this article, please take what you need and leave the rest – pertaining to the knowledgeable news. The video is long. The verbage somewhat confusing if you are not a scientist or a researcher or a medical professional or … Continue reading
According to the following link, a short-read, states – but does not explain why – younger diabetics (yes, you T1Ds) are skipping visits to your endocrinologists. I can only imagine what your excuses are. I’ve gone through them, all of … Continue reading
Searching and researching a comfortable conversation, a platform, to encourage T1Ds (Type One Diabetics) has finally been accomplished. Through the Joslin Diabetes Foundation, I found the following link that is full of vidoeos to share with all my readers. Please take … Continue reading
This second chapter book continues the series – a trilogy, perhaps… …to reinstate the main diabetic characters: Kali, now ten years old, and her adopted dog, Money, now 2 years old. My written attempts to express the life responsibilities, concerns and strategies of a … Continue reading
As a published author and writer, the use of synonyms and homonyms has been most beneficial to my writing tasks. They are also fun to use, fun to learn. However, I have seen and heard the confusion concerning synonyms and homonyms. … Continue reading