You don’t really get type 1—until you get it. No other disease requires so much daily input and management from patient or caregiver. Our Glu community shares more than T1D—we share a common language and understanding. We crowd-source wisdom, share experiences, and offer perspectives—all to connect and support others living with or caring for others with type 1, while contributing to research.
What Can Glu Do For You?: A quick overview and how-to guide
T1D Resources & Toolkits: Tips and Tricks from Glu and others on how to live well with type 1 diabetes.
Glu Content Library: Links to more than four years worth of Glu articles on a variety of topics.
Our Research & Initiatives: Glu and T1D Exchange data, findings and research studies
Glu Events & Appearances: Where to find the Glu team offline and in person!