Continuing my ‘book marketing procedures,’ I am once again engaged in coordinating numerous “Authors Showcases” at local Sacramento County, California libraries. Promotion of my four award-winning books ( is acceptable in such a free, and public venue. Encouragement and attention increases in such a familiar setting with numerous author participants and the general public visitors. Libraries are happy places.
As a ‘free-agent,’ sole-proprietor, self-published author, distribution and supply of my books is up to me and only me. When I began this trek in 2010, it was new to me, a bit frightening, unfamiliar. Thanks to my Masters Degree program (University of Pheonix, 1999), I gained the confidence required with public speaking. Thanks to a personal friend, also a self-published author, for leading me to my first writers meeting and club, I joined and became not only acquainted with other writers, published and unpublished, but my yearly membership lasted nine years leading me to marketing and promotional venues for all its members.
I like to think I help the general public become aware of my books (subject matter is T1D – Type One Diabetes) and their subject matter, the cost of each book and where to find them. Along the way, many other authors are consistently invited to participate to do the same. This process of multiple participant invitations continues to be more comfortable for me, having another person, specifically and author or two, to share in these experiences. It’s happy work.
For instance, an upcoming “Authors Showcase” with twenty authors is taking place at the Carmichael, California Library on Saturday, August 5, 2017, between 1 & 4pm. Other such events are in the works as well. Twenty individual authors, coming together in one place, most having the same dream as I – to promote out works, speak to individuals about out artistic values and beliefs – the whos, whats, whens, wheres, hows, and how muches involved in such a career. After all, writing is an individual personal art.
Libraries are free, comfortable, accommodating, safe, and easily accessible.
Other book marketing venues – with or without a price tag – have been city and country fairs with or without my supplying a personal E-Z up (tent); private speaking engagements in Church (Holy House) basements; and Assisted/Independent Living Centers where the residents are absolutely thrilled to listen about my books. All it takes is a little time for research location of resources, a hone call, and your in!
My next marketing venture is to gather individual writers from separate groups/clubs to join in an event. With numerous writing groups and clubs in this area, I wouldn’t think the opportunity would be too difficult. There is the beloved NCPA (Northern California Publishers and Authors Organization) CAW (California Writers), GCW (Gold Country Writers), SSWC (Sacramento Suburban Writers Club), SIC (Sisters In Crime), and others. This twinkling idea will grow – that’s how I work, with my brain. Heck, it’s appealing to me, encouraging, insightful, happy, especially when others are involved.
Just sayin’…
A. K. Buckroth