Childrens’ Summer Camps!

YAY!  Going to summer camp was always a favorite time of year for me – knowing that in July or August, I would be gone from home for two or three weeks.  I looked forward to it all year long!  Being away from my siblings, my mother, my daily chores, my summer boredom was relieved through summer camp.

From my recollections, January was the time when I was initially informed about being able to go.  This means, parents, that research needs to be started, applications filled out, then onto the inventory list once your child is accepted.  Much of the decision-factor is on a first-come, first-served (accepted) basis.  Analogous to a preferred school.

Heres’ a list of summer camps in California I researched for you: Bearskin Meadow Camp, Camp Conrad-Chinnock, Camp De Los Ninos, Camp Wana Kura, Larry L. Hillblom Teen Camp DJ Sequoia Lake, Larry L. Hillblom Youth Camp, Teen Cruise Camp, and The Diabetes Society of Santa Clara Valley.

Your local YWCA and YMCA’s have a list as well.  Network with the parents and teachers at  your childs’ school to learn about more.

Good luck!  AK.


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