The Final Product – YAY!

The proper use of your time after you think you have finished writing an upbeat piece of news is of the utmost importance.  Not only is it important to you, but you believe it to be important for the rest of the world to read as well.  Right?  Once it has been proofread, edited – oftentimes more than twice – then submitted to a publisher, patience surely maintains it virtuosity.  I know.  I just went through these motions with a book.
With that in mind, I am glad to share the finished project with you: “My Diabetic Soul – An Autobiography” by A. K. Buckroth. 
To summarize, I was diagnosed with diabetes in 1959 at the age of two. The resultant and most recently celebrated fifty years with this disease is celebrated through this book.  As my writing skills were continually encouraged, expected and sharpened throughout college, I gained knowledge of expressionism and empowerment to culminate in this fruitious ultimatum.
While this particular book describes the maintenance of my balanced yet overwhelming life, I am proof that diabetes is not a death threat. Accomplishments and encumbrances happen with or without having to minutely strategize one’s lifestyle because of a life-threatening disease.
Written to inspire the ever-growing global populace (a reported half-a-billion) with diabetes – to include their parents, siblings, relatives, caregivers, medical personnel, etc. – I have aspired to maintain an inspirational message and reality redeemer for all readers. Through a lifetime of growth factors, personal experiences, personal research, readings, theories with concrete and established hypotheses, my story is told.
This book travels through the tumultuous steps of childhood with this disease; being an adolescent run-away; experiencing peer pressures; one marriage with three miscarriages; single-motherhood; college graduations; world travels; and careers all while fighting to stay alive on a daily basis.
Everyone needs a heroine and a miracle. Five decades – a half century! – of living as a diabetic has been an honor, a divine gift. Readers will be inspired to fight for their lives, distinguishing right from wrong on a daily basis; to strategize their lives with a private appreciation for themselves. 
My Diabetic Soul – An Autobiography by A. K. Buckroth is an inspirational must-read. For further information, please visit my website: or click here to purchase your paperback copy today.
A. K. Buckroth

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